Under the USAID funded PREIA project, Acrux Technologies carried out activities relating to Phase II of Pakistan NSW Business Process Analysis and Re-engineering. Specifically following tasks were delivered:
- Consultations with the Business Application Users (OGAs and Traders) to identify and gather users’ requirements, undertake revised Business Process Mapping (BPM) activities, and develop logical and physical specifications and technical documents
- Created detailed functional requirements and developed artefacts such as process flow diagrams, business rules, data mapping spreadsheets, wire-frames for the NSW core processes, OGAs revised processes and intermodal TIR
- Developed cross functional diagrams of selected OGAs where licenses, permits, certificates, and other documents request involved multiple steps, with OGA organograms
- Developed specific BRS and SRS for the unified registration scheme, e-payments, and TIR intermodal process in consultation with Customs, and relevant stakeholders
- Developed BRS and SRS for the following OGAs on the basis of reengineered business processes:
- Department of Plant Protection
- Animal Quarantine Department
- Pakistan Standards Quality Control Authority
- Federal Seed Certification & Registration Department
- State Bank of Pakistan