Acrux Technologies has highly skilled and qualified Project Management resources from well-known institutes. Project Management is the guideline for managing projects and contains initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & control and closing the project. Main goal of Project Management is to deliver the project within the constraints which are Scope, Time, Quality and Budget. The objective of project management is to finish and deliver the project as per client’s requirement and expectation.
At Acrux, we follow Project Management Institute and PRINCE2 methodology and provides full services of managing projects. Methodology selection is done as per client’s requirement. Projects are temporary and, in a sense, unique endeavors. Temporary because they only happen once and have a specific duration and unique in that they are not routine enterprises, but a set of procedures intended to produce a singular product, outcome, service or result. The purpose of project management is to foresee or predict as many dangers and problems as possible; and to plan, organize and control activities so that the project is completed as successfully as possible in spite of all the risks. The ever-present element of risk and uncertainty means that events and tasks leading to completion can never be foretold with absolute accuracy. For some complex or advanced projects, even the possibility of successful completion might be of serious doubt.
Project Management Office
Acrux has established the Project Management Office (PMO) for Islamabad International Airport in 2 projects. These PMOs are established and working for last 4 years now and delivering the final product to client as per their requirement and expectations. These PMOs consist of qualified personals with more than 20 years of experience in managing complex projects. Complex project includes projects with long duration and more than 100 resources. Objectives of PMO can often be set under three headings:
Performance and Quality
The end result of a project must fit the purpose for which it was intended. At one time, quality was the responsibility of the quality control department. In more recent years the concept of total quality management has come to the fore, with the responsibility for quality shared by all staff from top management downwards.
The project must be completed without exceeding the authorized expenditure. Financial sources are not always inexhaustible, and a project might be abandoned altogether if funds run out before completion. If that was to happen, the money and effort invested in the project would be forfeited and written off. In extreme cases the project contractor could face ruin.
Time to Completion
Actual progress must match or beat planned progress. All significant stages of the project must take place no later than their specified dates, to result in total completion on or before the planned finish date. The timescale objective is extremely important because late completion of a project is not very likely to please the project purchaser or the sponsor.
Project Management PMBOK Knowledge Areas
At Acrux, we follow the knowledge areas of PMBOK as per the requirement. Some projects may have all the knowledge areas involvement and some projects have few knowledge areas involvement. As per PMBOK, knowledge areas are:
- Project Integration Management
- Project Scope Management
- Project Schedule Management
- Project Cost Management
- Project Quality Management
- Project Resource Management
- Project Communications Management
- Project Risk Management
- Project Procurement Management
- Project Stakeholder Management

Tools of Project Management
Acrux has enabled top end tools for Project Management in the organization. Teams are trained on these tools and enables them to utilize the tools so that teams are performing most efficiently. Following is the list of tools used at Acrux for different projects:
- JIRA Software
- OpenProject
- Open source HRM
- Primavera
- Microsoft Project
- Open source Code Repositories